SALVADOR DALI, Desain Museum Modern Anti Badai, SPEKTAKULAR...!!!

Pada tanggal 11-1-11 jam 11:11 pagi, museum spektakuler dan fantastis ini dibuka. Nama museum ini adalah Salvador Dali. Museum ini terletak di St Petersburg,Florida gan. Museum ini memiliki atrium kaca geodesik yang tebal seperti dinding sehingga mereka dapat bertahan dari badai level 5. Museum Salvador Dali merupakan museum yang memiliki koleksi karya seni terbesar di dunia dengan lebih dari 2.000 karya seni dan menyoroti 100 lukisan minyak yang paling terkenal .

Museum ini dirancang untuk mengkoleksi seni yang spektakuler, dan memberikan pengunjung pengalaman "Dalí-esque", tapi pada saat yang sama musium ini juga harus melindungi karya dari bahaya yang akan datang, khususnya badai dan banjir. Dengan demikian, museum ini dirancang untuk menahan beban angin 165 mph dari badai level 5. Perisai badai yang melindungi galeri, yang semuanya terletak di lantai tiga, bisa melindungi badai yang memiliki kekuatan 30 gelombang badai topan. Semua kaca tebalnya adalah satu setengah inci, berisolasi dan laminasi, dan teruji untuk menahan angin 135 mph, hujan besar dan serangan rudal dari badai Kategori 3.
 Sebelum memasuki museum, pengunjung akan dipandu melalui taman-taman dan gua, dan kemudian dituntun melewati toko . Setelah melewati toko, mereka memasuki lobi dan terpana oleh tangga spiral beton, terinspirasi oleh DNA dan Deret Fibonacci. Pengunjung dapat menikmati kafe atau mengambil tangga atau lift untuk ruang galeri lantai tiga, yang menampilkan koleksi permanen yaitu 100 lukisan minyak Dalí serta pameran sementara.


Salvador Dalí's surrealist artwork now has a new home in a spectacular and fantastical museum in St. Petersburg, FL. The HOK-designed museum, appropriately opened on 1-11-11 at 11:11 am, features a geodesic inspired glass atrium and walls so thick they can withstand a Category 5 hurricane. Sustainable design features abound in the new museum, which provides a "Dalí-esque" experience without being trite or cliched. The Salvador Dali Museum houses the world's largest collection of the master's artwork with over 2,000 pieces of art and highlights 100 of Dalí's most important oil paintings.

To house such a spectacular collection, HOK designed the museum to complement the art, and give visitors a “Dalí-esque” experience, but at the same time protect the work from any foreseeable danger, especially hurricanes and flooding. As such, the museum was designed to withstand 165 mph wind loads from a Category 5, 200-year hurricane and includes 18 inch, cast-in place, reinforced concrete walls and a 12 inch thick roof. Storm doors shield the vault and galleries, which are all located on the third floor, protected against 30 foot hurricane storm surges. All of the glass is one-and-a-half inches thick, insulated and laminated, and was tested to resist the 135 mph winds, driven rain and missile impacts of a Category 3 hurricane.

Inspiration for the museum’s design came from Dalí’s work, as well as Buckminster Fuller, who particularly influenced the artist. The three story building is a large concrete box, mysterious in its simplicity and accented by the fantastical geodesic glass atrium. Called the “Enigma”, after one of Dalí’s paintings, the faceted atrium crawls over the facade of the building and its shape is formed by a 75 foot tall spiraling staircase inside the lobby. Building Integrated Modeling was utilized to design and build the complex geometry of the organic glass structure.

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